Island Sanctuary Excursion With Local Youth From Bluefields Who Enjoyed An Island Hike, Swim & Picnic.
֍ Pulse Electro Magnetic Field (PEMF) therapy device & 5th Element Spirit Tuner! A profound healing tool, it plugs into cell phone audio jack & operates with a frequency generator app. Certain frequencies aid specific areas of the body. Produces 6'-55’ diameter electromagnetic field which is like the aura that spirals outward from our magnetic heart. It can eliminate headaches, cramps, body pains, & all sorts of ailments!
The vortex coil has wireless electricity producing potential when plugged into a stereo receiver which generates higher voltage. The copper enameled magnetic wires are held in place by an acrylic or 3D printed frame.
"Torus" is the doughnut like shape & geometry that you see in the torus coil. It's the fundamental Universal pattern of life which is present at all scales of existence from micro-to-macro. This geometry can be seen in apples, humans, animals, trees & all that exists. The fractal Multiverse is a torus producing factory! We are literally living inside GIANTS living inside each other.
A colorful easy reference vegan garden guide to edible & medicinal plants & how they benefit our bodies. Includes recipes, suggested uses, & nutritional values in a visually appealing rainbow layout with cartoon like characters making it a fun learning tool you'll want to keep handy in the kitchen, not just for children but anyone who loves food.
Ultimate handy quick reference crystal tool for anyone who enjoys the beauty, energy & benefits of gems & minerals. Easily learn more about Earth's magical realm of delightfully colored gemstones & how to use them in your life.
24 Poems & Quotes about islands, gardens & sanctuaries, each with a photo of the Island Sanctuary located in the Caribbean Sea. Includes art pages of each letter of the alphabet using only positive words in varying font types.